Expired November 2, 2020 7:45 AM
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Everything is cake! This program will weave you in and out of days and moments in the life of some scintillating strangers and slip you into some liminal spaces and ephemeral places. I'll take that perfect piece, please!

This screening may not be suitable for all ages.

Grace has an eating disorder. Even the most mundane moments at school and at home are fraught with a quiet tension, as she attempts to either conceal or voice her inner workings.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
  • Director
    Danielle Schmidt
  • Screenwriter
    Danielle Schmidt
  • Producer
    Danielle Schmidt
  • Cast
    Anna Hunt, Paula Elser Clare, Roger Curley, Bob Gallagher, Brian Pruvost