14th National Film Festival for Talented Youth

Animation Sensations - Presented by Vancouver Film School

Expired November 2, 2020 7:45 AM
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It’s time to get that animation education! A masterclass in mediums, these films create whole worlds from scratch and capture characters in drawn drama. Join these treasure hunters, house spirits, and perfectionist personages on their ardent adventures!

Mina lives alone in her apartment accompanied by three little house spirits, the Kitchlets, who feed off her positive emotions and take care of her negative ones.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    WA State
  • Director
    Clarisse Chua
  • Screenwriter
    Clarisse Chua
  • Cast
    Soyeon Kim, Kion Heidari, Smita Minda, Peter Foltz, Clarisse Chua