14th National Film Festival for Talented Youth

Animation Sensations - Presented by Vancouver Film School

Expired November 2, 2020 7:45 AM
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It’s time to get that animation education! A masterclass in mediums, these films create whole worlds from scratch and capture characters in drawn drama. Join these treasure hunters, house spirits, and perfectionist personages on their ardent adventures!

"Almost Seven Years" is a film about when Colleen Sinclair's dad passed away. It is a story that explores both the grief of losing someone and the happiness of having been able to know them.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    WA State
  • Director
    Colleen Sinclair
  • Screenwriter
    Colleen Sinclair
  • Producer
    Colleen Sinclair
  • Cast
    Colleen Sinclair