Expired November 2, 2020 7:45 AM
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Did you know you can walk a mile in someone else’s shoes from the comfort of your own couch? Peer through a hypothetical window and witness people from across the world navigating their own challenges, relationships, and a few of life’s biggest questions. Get to know your neighbors!

An imagining of the formative years of Imelda Marcos, who as the First Lady of the Philippines, would become known for her lavishness and detachment from her country’s social reality. Here, the fate of a young girl and an entire nation become entangled as the mother of a country is born.

  • Year
  • Runtime
  • Language
  • Country
  • Premiere
    WA State
  • Director
    Alex Westfall
  • Screenwriter
    Alex Westfall
  • Producer
    Enzo Razon, Miguel Jimenez, Alex Westfall
  • Cast
    Polly Cabrera
  • Editor
    Alex Westfall